Uses a counter to display names on a 7-segment display.
A clock divider slows down the segments to 1 per second (default) as in the 7-segment counter template project. The bottom 8-bits of the counter are output on the bidirectional outputs. The bottom-5 bits of the dedicated inputs define how fast the clock divider is: if non-zero, this formula is used for the wraparound value of the divider: {ui_in[4:2], 18'b0, ui_in[1:0]}. Setting the input to 0bxxx00001 will therefore have clock divider of 1 (i.e. match the clock) so that a manual debounced push-button can be used in place of the clock.
Each second, one letter of a name is displayed. The top 3-bits of the dedicated inputs define which name is displayed.
After reset, a new letter should displayed each second with a 10MHz input clock. Changing the 3 MSB of the input should change which name is displayed. Changing the 5 LSB of the input should change how quickly the letters are updated.
# | Input | Output | Bidirectional |
0 | name bit 2 | segment a | second counter bit 0 |
1 | name bit 1 | segment b | second counter bit 1 |
2 | name bit 0 | segment c | second counter bit 2 |
3 | clock divider bit 23 | segment d | second counter bit 3 |
4 | clock divider bit 22 | segment e | second counter bit 4 |
5 | clock divider bit 21 | segment f | second counter bit 5 |
6 | clock divider bit 1 | segment g | second counter bit 6 |
7 | clock divider bit 0 | dot | second counter bit 7 |