This project displays a user-selctable character on the 7-segment display. Input DIPs 1-6 are used to select the character to display. Inputs 7 and 8 are not connected. The display is driven one segment at a time, so a high clock rate is required to see thew character. Characters are a mix of upper and lower case, preferring whichever is more recognizable. See the wikipedia page on 7-segment display representations for reference [].
Connect the clock line to the ocillator (or press the clock button REALLY fast). Then, use thew DIP switches to enter a 6-digit binary number corresponding to the character to be displayed. 0-25 for a-z, then 26:[space], 27:[_], 28:[-], 29:[.], 30:[!], 31:["]. If only one segment is displayed, make sure your clock is set properly!
# | Input | Output | Bidirectional |
0 | dip0 | segment a | |
1 | dip1 | segment b | |
2 | dip2 | segment c | |
3 | dip3 | segment d | |
4 | dip4 | segment e | |
5 | dip5 | segment f | |
6 | not connected | segment g | |
7 | not connected | dot |